Page name: it's not stalking, it's investigating [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-06-23 03:54:45
Last author: HeAVenShallBuRN
Owner: HeAVenShallBuRN
# of watchers: 17
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Yes, my dear children, everything in this room is eatable,
In fact, even I'm eatable, but that, my dear children, is called cannibalism, and is frowned on in most societies.

"I'm not stalking... by the way, you're out of milk..."

Fan the page... and tell people to join. And if you have something... like amusing pics... or funny quotes or... WHATEVER... add it on here... or whatever... cuz... "All you need is love..." yep, that's why!
Okay, no... we're not stalking you. I promise.
Or are we?
No, we're not.

Wanna be my friend?
0.1) [lex!!~land] ... because you're amazingly awesome and I think you deserve to be before Number 1. XD
1) [HeAVenShallBuRN]
2)[Lucifer's Fire] cause i love my Little Rei of Sunshine! XD!
3)[ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠] I'm here cause my Reiness told me about it and I love hims, and wanted to meet new people. :3
4)[hinata hyuuga (kimiko)] ... I JOINED HER! :D <3
5)[~*~American Honey~*~] I'm on here cause Rei asked me to join : - ) keke ~^.^~
6)[Faeangel] ... I joined her too! :O <3

I wants to take a moment to say... TOAST! I want toast. Anyone else want toast?!

Since this is my first wiki...
I shall mention, it's weird. I know.
But, give it time and it will become GREAT! <3

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2009-12-24 [my nose]: hey there little lady

2009-12-24 [Nezeb]: *Sighs* Seriously, Chad. Get the fuck out of here.

2009-12-24 [Eternal Sunshine]: How stupid do you think I am?!
GEEZ! You're just as annoying as my ex... who just so happens to be named Chad.
I MEAN it this time.

2009-12-24 [Nezeb]: If he keeps it up, we're going to have to report him -.-

2009-12-24 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: =/

2009-12-24 [my nose]: im not chad im han

2009-12-24 [Nezeb]: We all know who you are. Now get lost.

2009-12-25 [Eternal Sunshine]: I don't give a flying f**k who you are.
I asked you nicely...
now, I'm not going to be nice.

I MEAN it!
I don't want any f***en trouble!
Just, get lost! -.-

2009-12-26 [Lucifer's Fire]: hands rei hot coco- all will be okay sunshine.

2009-12-26 [Eternal Sunshine]: I know! :3 *takes cocoa and drinks*

2009-12-28 [my nose]: Please close your legs, can you please close your legs now.
There is a terrible smell emitting from in between your legs, just close them.

2009-12-28 [Nezeb]: You're reported, Chad.

2009-12-28 [my nose]: but i love you mannnnnnn!!! i mean i reallly love you man this is joey not chad

2009-12-28 [Lucifer's Fire]: theres to many people at my house!!!! T_T

and dude..why dont you listen? my 2 year old listens better than you!

2009-12-28 [Nezeb]: 1. I'm on the phone with Joey right now.
2. Joey isn't near any place with internet.
3. He types proper.
4. He doesn't live in Canada.
5. He's not an immature little child.

2009-12-28 [my nose]: i dont know how, im a virus youcant get rid of me i will always com back, so dont try and ban me its no use so let me have my fun andthen i will leave

2009-12-28 [Nezeb]: You're still reported. And I know a guard. He already told me he could ban IP addresses. So get a life, you sad little brute, and leave us to ours.

It really is a shame how much of a waste of oxygen you are.

2009-12-28 [Ihsahn]: This conversation is over, any further comments made by [my nose] will be deleted and seriously man, find a better hobby then popping back here. it's not awesome it's kinda sad.

2009-12-28 [Nezeb]: Thank-you, Ihsahn.. I forgot your name >.> Yay for short memory. <3

2009-12-28 [Ihsahn]: and if you wish to attempt to troll someone then give me a try in private message.

2009-12-28 [Eternal Sunshine]: Thank you [Ihsahn]!!! :)
Really appreciate it! ^.^

2009-12-28 [Tears of the Angel]: holy crap i missed a lot O.o

2009-12-28 [Nezeb]: Sometimes we do miss things. *Nod* I wish to go on WoW but can't because I missed out on getting a new card. *'nother nod*

2009-12-28 [Eternal Sunshine]: Awwwww. *hugs* :P

And it's alright, Nathan. Wasn't really important... just us trying to get someone to leave us alone! :3

2009-12-28 [Nezeb]: *Hug* Yeah.

2009-12-28 [Eternal Sunshine]: *hugs* and thanks, Mrs. Kessler... for helping get that guy outta here. :3

2009-12-28 [Nezeb]: That wasn't my first run in with him. But [Ihsahn] did make a point to me to ignore him. :P

2009-12-28 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: =D

2009-12-28 [Eternal Sunshine]: *nods*
It's just hard to ignore someone when they're posting comment after stupid comment and messing up the atmosphere in here. >.<

2009-12-28 [Nezeb]: *Takes fresh apple pie from the oven and cuts it up for everyone* True.

2009-12-28 [Eternal Sunshine]: mmmmmm... fresh apple pie... *drools a river*

2009-12-28 [Nezeb]: *Gives you some and smiles*

2009-12-28 [Eternal Sunshine]: *grins and noms while handing you a life raft*

2009-12-28 [Nezeb]: *giggles at life raft and swims to safety*

2009-12-28 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Yes, stupidness is overrated.
*stares at pie*

2009-12-28 [Nezeb]: *Gives Chel a slice*

2009-12-28 [Eternal Sunshine]: yes. yes it is! *glares at stupidness and om noms own finger*

2009-12-29 [G'Bye]: I missed alot in a couple of days.
Wowie. O.o
*yawns and eyes that apple pie*

2009-12-29 [Strawboy]: Wil;d troll [my nose] appeared

[Ihsahn] uses : <img:>

Its super effective.

XD sorry, couldn't resist.

If he comes back though just password lock the page, that usually solves problems.

2009-12-29 [Nezeb]: :O *Steals the pic* That is awesome!

2009-12-29 [Nezeb]: [Ihsahn] gains 30 points. *Victory Pokémon music*

2009-12-29 [Eternal Sunshine]: Awesome!!
Thanks [Ihsahn].
I hope that spray does the job... >.> <.<

2009-12-29 [Lucifer's Fire]: so whats been going on?

2009-12-29 [Nezeb]: I just got done making a shirt xD

2009-12-29 [Lucifer's Fire]: sounds fun!

whats it look like?

2009-12-29 [Nezeb]: <img:>


2009-12-29 [Eternal Sunshine]: omg, I wish I had your talent Fanny! :O

2009-12-29 [Nezeb]: :P I likes making clothes. I already have someone wanting to buy some of my clothes I make xD

2009-12-29 [Eternal Sunshine]: Niiiiiiiice!
If I haded the money to get it shipped here, I'd be like "MAKE ME SOMMMMEEE!!!"
But, I dunt. XD

2009-12-29 [Nezeb]: I would make you a pirate/Victorian shirt :3

2009-12-29 [Eternal Sunshine]: *shrieks* O.M.G.! That would be AMAZING!
hahahahaha! <3

2009-12-29 [Nezeb]: ^^ <3

2009-12-29 [G'Bye]: Hmmm.... Rei in a pirate shirt? *tries to imagine it* Hmmmm...

2009-12-29 [Lucifer's Fire]: thats an awesome shirt ^^

2009-12-29 [Nezeb]: Thanks :3 I think he would look cute in a pirates shirt.

2009-12-29 [Eternal Sunshine]: Yes, I would!
Don't listen to [G'Bye]...
she's always against me! XD

2009-12-29 [Nezeb]: ..we should lock her in a closet >.>

2009-12-29 [Quo Vadis]: I'm not against you, Rei! I loooove you!
And [G'Bye]!!!!!!!!!!

2009-12-29 [Nezeb]: ...Am I loved? *Puppy eyes*

2009-12-30 [Quo Vadis]: YEEESSSSS!
Even though I no know who you is. :D

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: I lub juu too random person :3

2009-12-30 [Quo Vadis]: YAAAAYYY!!!!!!!

2009-12-30 [Lucifer's Fire]: *blinkblink*

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: You're loved too^^

2009-12-30 [Lucifer's Fire]: WOOHOO!!! *silly dance*

I made a wiki dedicated to my tattoos.

anyone care to view??

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: I will!

2009-12-30 [Lucifer's Fire]: thanks!

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: ^^

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: I better be loved.

And YES! Lock her in a closet(talking about [G'Bye])...
She needs to be locked up.
She's a mean sister in law! >.<

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: I'm bored >.< *Gets to work making a skirt to match my shirt*

2009-12-30 [Lucifer's Fire]: yay! my wiki works now!!

*is now happy he does not have to destroy his compy*

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: *dances*

2009-12-30 [Lucifer's Fire]: *dances with Rei*

2009-12-30 [G'Bye]: Rei!!!
Be nice to me, or I'll make Owen pick you up upside down and dunk you head first into a snowbank! >:[

I love my brother in law, does it show?! :3

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: be a little more mean... sheesh... >.<

2009-12-30 [Lucifer's Fire]: it shows...greatly xD

2009-12-30 [G'Bye]: :D

What can I say?
I have to tease Rei abit...
If I could, I'd ruffle his hair right now... ;)

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: no. *grumbles*

2009-12-30 [Lucifer's Fire]: *ruffles his hair to see reaction*

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]:


You don't touch the hair!!!!
*frowns, crosses arms and pouts*

2009-12-30 [G'Bye]: *snickers*
That's a big no-no with Rei.
Biggest threat you can give him...
touching his hair...

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: I think the biggest would be to shave it off >.>

2009-12-30 [Lucifer's Fire]: cries and hides behind [Nezeb]*

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: *sobs*
*stays in a corner marked "Rei's corner" and stays there crying*

2009-12-30 [Lucifer's Fire]: its a sad day when you have to go to google images to find out what round steak looks like.....

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: *Snickers* Think that's bad? I was talking to a friend and she had troubles with her comp so I asked her if it was a desktop or laptop.. and she didn't know the difference between the two xD

2009-12-30 [Lucifer's Fire]: O.O;
my two year old knows that.....

im a vegetarian.

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: Wow.
I'm technologically stupid, but even I know that!

Bye loves!!!
*huggles everyone into one big giant group huggle*

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: xD I know.. I thought everyone knew.. so I gave her pics of each.. turns out it's a laptop she has XD

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: *Cuddle puddle* Night^^ I'm soon going to go for about an hour or so... music time :P

2009-12-30 [Lucifer's Fire]: *cuddles as well*

im cooking so ill be off too.
bye guise!!!!

2009-12-30 [Strawboy]: wow, you guys post like mad o.O

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: That's what happens when you don't get on alot. :P

Of course, we're in a different time zone than youuu, Corey! XD

Hey... wait... IT'S NEW YEARS ALREADY THERE, AIN'T IT?! *shrieks and flails*

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: Oo... *Points at [Strawboy]* He's a witch.

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: O_o
How is he a witch?!

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: *Shrug* I don't know.

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: *le gasp*
XD <3
*tackles Fanny* RAWR! :3

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: Gahh! *Smacks with pencil*

2009-12-30 [Strawboy]: not yet, tomorrow its new years day so its new years eve....i just went around in a circle

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: Are you from Australia? Oo

2009-12-30 [Strawboy]: bloody oath :)

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: Blood? Where? *Gets a mop and looks for the blood*

2009-12-30 [Strawboy]: its an expression, an aussie way of saying 'damn right' or 'definently', i could have used fuckin oath or fuckin-a as well :P

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: Ohh... so.. there's no blood?

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: .....
A simple yes works as well too.

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: zOMG!

I'm bored.
Entertain me anyone?

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: *Is cooking squid*
*Pokes head out from the kitchen a drops a Dobermen in the room*
Run. That should keep you busy for a while.

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: O_O *shrieks and hides in the closet crying*

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: *Walks into the room and puts Sarge back on his leash and brings him back outside* There ya go, boy.

*Opens the closet door and points to the window* He's gone. It was just one of Joeys dogs.

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: *tears*

I dun like dogs.
They scare me.
Especially big dogs.

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: I'm afraid of the little ones. They scare the shit out of me

*Goes back to the kitchen and grabs with squid with a lemon meringue pie for dessert*

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: *whimpers*
Big dogs scare me because I got badly attacked when I was younger. A big dog... for no reason... jumped on me, knocked me to the ground and like... chewed my hand to pieces... *looks at scars on hand*

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: *Nods* Same here.. I got attack by a golden lab. *Shows scars on left hand* This one looks like a leaf^^

I guess it just takes a lot to get me traumatized and scared of something, but I am scared of little dogs, caterpillars, heights, the dark, root beer, jell-o, and my own shadow at night. *Nods and noms food*

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: dogs, clowns, heights and spiders...
my biggest fears.

our dog is a golden lab...
i still hate her...

cats... i'm not scared of, i'm allergic too. so i don't like them much...

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: I love cats. I'm afraid of small spiders. Tarantulas, Black Widows, Camel Spiders... I love them.

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: *shivers*
any kind of spider... blech!
They scare me.
my lil sis, Sierra has to kill the spiders in our house cuz Nathan's kinda freaked out by them too. :P

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: Joey is only afraid of Black Widows and Brown Recluses, he used to have a pet tarantula.

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: O______O

My sister in law wanted a pet boa... >.<
I told her she was insane... XD
Especially now with 4 kids in the house... XD

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: I used to have a pet Boa... his name was Asmoleous.

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: O___________________________________O

*stares then hides in the back corner of the closet, behind all the jackets*

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: Don't have him anymore.. he ran away :(

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: Still... *shivers* Just the thought of a boa... *shivers again and whimpers*

And now I have to amuse a guy I've only know for like... 3 hours... Because he has nowhere else to go! >.<

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: Pull down your pants and pee on him.. he'll leave then.

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: I can't just toss someone out into the cold. >.<

He just told me what happened to him! O_O
I DEFINITELY can't do that to him now... >.<
*shakes fist* Darn my niceness! >.<

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: I could. *Smiles* Well.. not really.. I just like to pretend I'm tough >.>

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: HAHA!
I can't even do that... >.< pretend I'm tough that is... XD

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: *Points at quote and laughs* Human meat tastes like veal :3.. also the best parts to eat are the souls of the feet and the palms of the hands^^

2009-12-30 [Quo Vadis]: ...I don't want to know why you know that....

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: I support cannibalism >.> But I never tried it before.

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: *stares then takes a couple hundred steps away from Fanny*

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: *Blinks* I know those facts because I have a book about cannibalistic killers. And there was a diary entry in it about a guy who tried human meat for the first time. And I support cannibalism because, just think how great the world would be if we were allowed to kill and eat the people who are idiots. Also.. meat is meat in my opinion.

2009-12-30 [Quo Vadis]: ....But with people isn't different...*goes and stards by Rei* and that's creepy...

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: *locks self in the closet once again* I think I'll stay in here... *shrieks* SPIDER! *hides*

2009-12-30 [Quo Vadis]: LET ME IN, TOOO!! i no want to gets eated...

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: *Rolls eyes* Yes, because I support it and think it's fine, then I'm a killer. Of course, and you know those apple pies I have been making? That's human eyes and vagina lips. Whatever.

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: I'm just teasing gently, Fanny. *huggles and pouts*
I'm sorry... boredom does some weird things to a person!

*sits in the shame corner and pouts* I'm sorry.

2009-12-30 [Quo Vadis]: Never said you were a killer. You're intitled you say what you support. I have no problem with that. I just find it hard to imagine what a person would taste like. O_O

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: Veal. Eat a baby cow, same thing, only human meat is more tough to chew. But I'm serious about the apple pies.

2009-12-30 [Quo Vadis]: Never had it...
I don't think I could eat something so cute as a baby cow.

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: *still sitting in the corner* And that's the reason why I don't eat a lot of meat.

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: I love meat. I love it more than chocolate. And to spark some controversy, I fucking love seal meat.

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: *no comment*

I don't eat meat... not a lot. I just... don't like the taste of it.
I'm not vegetarian... *shrugs* I just don't like it much.

But, everyone's entitled to their own opinion... If they don't like it, they can go... stick their head in a manure puddle.

*innocent smile*

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: That's where watermelons grow^^

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: mmmmm... watermelon... *drools*

2009-12-30 [Quo Vadis]: ewwwwww.....

2009-12-30 [G'Bye]: That just makes watermelons seem very appealing...
big, giant, oval shaped fruits grown in manure puddles...

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: Well, it's true.

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: It is.
But it's still gross. XD

And darnit... you made me want watermelons...
*pretends to eat one*

2009-12-30 [Nezeb]: *Gives you watermelon flavored pop rocks*

2009-12-30 [Eternal Sunshine]: mmmmmmmmmmmmm... pop rocks... *noms*

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: jebus...miss a day...or few hours...and miss a lot....

ahh!!! there be a weird pervy guy in mah house T_T
stupid a** barged in my room this morning...

pop rocks sound tasty.

2009-12-31 [Eternal Sunshine]: You missed alot because I've been on all day! *snickers* I talk with people alot... XD
HAHA! <3
Omg, I should make Blake join this wiki... hmmm...

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: haha.
way to go.
did you read what i posted back on my wiki?

remember kids, if you are in a room with your significant other...LOCK THE DOOR.
sorry...its something i need to remember...>.<

2009-12-31 [Eternal Sunshine]: If you're in a room doing stuff with your significant other... then lock the door. Otherwise, it shouldn't be a problem... XD
We never lock the door unless we... *clears throat* Do stuff all day... XD

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: well Rayn and i had just woken up....
things were happening...

2009-12-31 [Eternal Sunshine]: *snickers* Wowsers..

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: not funny Rei!!

2009-12-31 [Eternal Sunshine]: It's happened to me.
Right in the middle... Lovemaking.
Once with Nathan and once with my ex, Caleb.
My little sister, Sienna walked in right in the middle of... that... both times.

2009-12-31 [Nezeb]: That happened to me too... we didn't stop >.>
That make it even more awkward for the person whom walked in xD

2009-12-31 [Eternal Sunshine]: The first time... when I was still with my ex... I would have continued.... but he fell off the bed and dragged the blanket with him... leaving me naked on the bed in front of my little(at the time 10 year old) sister! XD

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: O.o thats horrible >.<
rayn and i stopped but we didnt have blankets on the bed...

2009-12-31 [Nezeb]: ...everyone saw my white ass.. it was epic.

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: hahahaha!!! know the feeling!
i have new pics in my description.
they are zippers....not actual ones though. theyre meant to be earrings

2009-12-31 [Eternal Sunshine]: I saw them Frank. They're awesome!!!
And those pics are PRECIOUS!!! :3

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: awww! thankies!
i love my Rayn. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^

2009-12-31 [Nezeb]: awww! You two are just too cute! I can't wait to start getting pics of Joey and I together

2009-12-31 [Eternal Sunshine]: I WOULD get pics of Nathan and I... but... he doesn't really want a lot of them up on the interwebs. (notice how there's NONE of him on his profile... >.<) he's a butthead. *snickers at alternate meaning of that word*

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: *laughs along with Rei*

2009-12-31 [Nezeb]: *Tries to fit whole slice of toast in mouth at once*

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: O.o
thats a lot of toast....

and you made me think of this....

2009-12-31 [Eternal Sunshine]: Don't choke, Fanny. Please. hahahaha!!!

2009-12-31 [The Angel's Song]: ummm... hi?

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: woo!!! hihihihihihihihihihihi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2009-12-31 [Eternal Sunshine]: HA!
He couldn't resist the charm of teh Rei and his magnamonous friends and zee wiki... *snickers*

2009-12-31 [The Angel's Song]: uh huh... Rei... you're weird. :P

2009-12-31 [Nezeb]: *Kicks internet* Stoopid interwebz!

2009-12-31 [Eternal Sunshine]: *huggles Fanny tightly* It'll be okay dear.

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: *noms veggie corndogs and watches the huggling*

2009-12-31 [Nezeb]: We're having a blizzard so my internet keeps going down -.-

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: it doesnt snow here.....

2009-12-31 [The Angel's Song]: I got caught in a REALLY bad storm... ice, snow, rain... bad...

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: i get hurricanes.
its like the weathers way of saying "f*** you Louisianians!"
wow...big word XD

2009-12-31 [The Angel's Song]: I hate hurricanes.

2009-12-31 [Eternal Sunshine]: *tries to pronouce that word*

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: someone from Louisiana

2009-12-31 [Eternal Sunshine]: I figured.
Just like I'm a Quebekian! :3

2009-12-31 [The Angel's Song]: I'm an ontario... ian... I don't know how you'd say it... but I'm from Ontario... :P

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: *cries hysterically*

2009-12-31 [The Angel's Song]: Awww, don't cry, Frank.

2009-12-31 [Eternal Sunshine]: Why you cryin'?!

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: we haves no waterz!!!
i cant take a shower and i NEEDZ one!!!!

2009-12-31 [Nezeb]: I'm a Newfie >.>

2009-12-31 [Eternal Sunshine]: Awwww. It'll be alright Frrraaaaannnnkkk!!!

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: Rei...i cant use my toilet.....

2009-12-31 [Nezeb]: *Gives Frank a bucket*

2009-12-31 [The Angel's Song]: Buckets work.
Or go outside like the pilgrims used to. :P

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: hahaha.
well i am nature trained.

and we have a tree...and sppons to dig i dont think i need a bucket.
but i can shower!

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: spoons*

2009-12-31 [Lucifer's Fire]: hello???
no ones talking.....

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